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Consolidate your platforms

Analyse and model platform outcomes across your entire client base, and we'll help you switch.
Woven Platform Switching Dashboard
Top client savings
Improve client outcomes

Identify better outcomes for your clients.

New platforms and increased competition have led to a reduction in industry platform fees.

Woven Advice helps you run an instant analysis over all your client's platform assets to identify opportunities for savings.

Improve business efficiency

Consolidate your platform distribution

The more providers your firm supports, the greater the inefficiencies. Collecting valuations and data, training staff and supplier due diligence increases the more providers you support.

Remain independent whilst providing your clients better service with better efficiency.

Platform heat map
Client selection
Painless report production

Bulk  and batch report production

Woven helps you create basic templated suitability reports in bulk, in an editable format. Provide us with your ideal template or use your target platform's standard wording.

There's no substitute for personalised advice - but Woven makes it quick and easy with a simple system.

No more rekeying

Automated Account Opening

Woven picks up your data from your back-office, ensures its in a clean and tidy shape, and sends it to your selected partner platforms in bulk or one by one.

Speak with your platform today to see if they support Woven Platform Switching

Account Opening
Woven Advice presents

Platform Switching Eats Strategy For Breakfast

Switching investment platforms is one of the most significant decisions an adviser can make, yet it remains a complex and often painful process.

Our latest whitepaper delves into the challenges, inefficiencies, and frustrations financial advisers face when helping clients move platforms - while also uncovering the potential gains and efficiencies that a well-managed switch can unlock.

This report goes beyond the theory, offering real-world insights into the qualitative and quantitative benefits of advised platform switching, helping you understand how to drive better client outcomes while streamlining your own operations.

Discover how Woven can support you on your platform switching journey - download the full report now.

Woven Platform Switching Whitepaper

Download the Whitepaper

Make your business more efficient

Reporting and supporting 20+ providers across your client base creates business and staff lethargy - it blocks efficiency and growth by scale. 

Make your business more attractive for sale

Businesses with fewer providers are infinitely more attractive to buyers. Platform switching is an investment in your firm's enterprise valuation.

Better outcomes for clients

Platform switching where it improves the cost or service outcomes for clients is at the heart of what consumer duty is trying to achieve. Put in the effort and evidence it to the regulator.

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